Monday, December 8, 2008


We went to the doctor today...absolutely no change! He's not on call anytime this week (after hours) or this weekend...SO, he suggested that we consider an induction. I was personally opposed to the idea of a pre-due date induction. But for some reason was perfectly fine with a post-due date induction. I had this whole schpeel in my head about how God created her & he should be the one to decided her Birthday...not us. Well, do you see where I'm going with this?... The doctor is on the phone with the hospital & he's talking to us while he's talking with them & it's all very confusing...and the med student is asking me questions too...and before I knew it...

We are scheduled to go in at 8:00 pm on Thursday and start the whole process...with the hope that she will be delivered on Friday, December 12th. It all happened so fast! There is a chance that the hospital will be filled with woman actually in labor & I'll get cancelled. If that is the case I'm also down for an induction on the 16th. Of course, I could, in fact, go into labor all on my own before Thursday pure chaos at the Schwengel household. Andrew & I are FREAKING OUT!!! (in a very excited, nervous way)

Oh, the picture above is of Grace's coming home outfit! :)


Sarah & Scott said...

i'm so excited! yay! can't wait to see pics/hear updates!

Janna said...

AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! I am nervous for YOU!!!!!!!!!hahahahhahaah

Cute outfit!

GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!

the hortons said...

It's going to be awesome. Can't wait to see pictures and hear about EVERYTHING! We'll be thinking and praying for you guys. Love you!