Monday, February 16, 2009

Two Months Old...and then some

I kinda missed the boat on Gracie turning 2 months old! My Picasa has been screwing up & I'm not smart enough to figure out how to fix it...hence the late update.

Grace got her shots this past Tuesday & has been having random screaming fits. I'm not sure if the shots are still having some effect on her or if she's just going through a phase. Regardless of the reason, she only wants her mommy during these episodes.

Isn't just awful to see your sweet baby get shots? Awful...but necessary.
See my bandaids?

Magaw & Papaw got Grace an activity mat for her 1st Valentine's Day. She loved it the first day & hated it for a few, back to loving it. What gives?!

Oh, so big!

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