I highly recommend a rounded shower curtain rod...feels like a whole 'nother room in there! Lots of elbow room!
So fresh and so clean, clean...
Those doors lead to the biggest linen closet in the world...I can fit 2 laundry baskets in there...And Andrew has actually got it now: whites on the left, colors on the right. :)
I didn't know what to do with this's a work in progress. I've seen on decorating shows where they roll up towels and make 'em look all cute...I tried! The little spout was Andrew's Grandpa Greathouse''s aftershave!
Oh, are correct...Water coming from both's wonderful!
The husband relaxin'...
The dog relaxin'...hee, he...
Jake and Maggie at Jon & Ann's Halloween Party
Gabe, Jake, & Ellie show off their pumpkins
My momma, Marilyn, Debbie, & Marilyn